Frequently Asked Questions

What is a credit score? What is Tippla? Find out the answers to these and more below

Your Credit Report

What is a credit report?

A credit report is a recent overview of your credit history. It details your current credit accounts, your payment history, and any credit accounts you have had over the past two years as well as any negative entries.

What is on my credit report?

There are a number of items on your credit report. This includes, but not limited to:

  • Active credit accounts (such as a loan, utility account or credit card)
  • Any closed credit accounts from the past 2 years
  • Repayment history over the past 2 years
  • Defaults
  • Bankruptcy
  • Court judgements
  • Public records
Why is my credit report important?

Your credit report provides an overview of your current and recent credit history. It is one of the factors lenders and banks consider when deciding whether they will approve your credit application. If your credit report shows risky behaviour - lots of defaults, bankruptcy, and other negative entries, you could be deemed as a risky borower. This could mean higher interest rates, lower borrowing amounts, more fees and stricter conditions. Furthermore, your credit report could make the difference between your credit application being accepted or rejected.

Who can see my credit report?

Your credit report contains sensitive information. Therefore, your credit report can only be viewed by companies when you give your permission. When you apply for a loan, or some kind of credit, you are giving the company you apply for permission to view your credit report.

How many times can I review my report?

Being a Tippla member, you have 24/7 access to your reports and scores. This means you can view it as often as you like. On Tippla, your score and information is refreshed on a quarterly basis, so we highly recommend you check it as often as possible.

Whenever there is a change to your score or report, we will notify you automatically. You can check back anytime for updates using our super-easy-to-read dashboard.

How often is my credit report updated?

Your credit report updates frequently. Each month, banks, lenders and credit provides report new information to the credit reporting agencies. Because of this, new information is added or removed from your credit report often. Generally speaking, the information in your credit report will be updated on a monthly basis.

How do I remove another person's details from my report?

If you want to remove the details of someone who you had a previous financial connection with, but no longer do, reach out to the respective credit reporting agency and request to have the information changed.

I signed up, why can’t I see my credit report?

Welcome to Tippla! If you can’t see your credit report, it could be because you don't have a credit report or credit score.

There could be a number of reasons as to why including:

  • You still live at home with your parents or guardians and you don’t have any bills in your name;
  • You live out of home but your name isn’t on the utility bills;
  • You’ve never taken out any form of credit - such as a credit card or loan.

Now, you can start building your credit score and unlocking its potential. See how to build a credit history from scratch here.

If you think this is a mistake you can reach out to Equifax and Experian to see why you don't have a credit report.

Want to know more?

Knowledge is power. Take control of your credit score with Tippla’s credit school. All the information you need is just a click away.