Frequently Asked Questions

What is a credit score? What is Tippla? Find out the answers to these and more below

About Tippla

What is a credit report?
Tippla enables you to monitor and track your credit score all through one convenient, online portal. We compare your credit scores from two of the three national credit reporting agencies, Equifax and Experian. Through Tippla you can access credit offers such as personal loans. These offers have been tailored to your credit score. What does this mean? You already meet part of the criteria for the loan!
Who can use Tippla?
Anyone who’s over the age of 18 can use Tippla. If you’re not sure if you even have a credit score, no biggie, chances are you do. The majority of adults have a credit history as a result of credit cards, utility accounts, and other debts. If you don’t have any information in your report then Tippla can help you build a good credit history from the ground up.
Where does Tippla get its information from?
Straight from the source. Tippla pulls all the information about your credit history directly from Experian and Equifax. When you create an account with Tippla, you are authorising us to access your credit report. Equifax and Experian originate credit reports that include personal information about you. These are known as credit files. With your consent, we will share your information with Experian and Equifax (upon activation of your account) and obtain your credit scores from them. Read more in our Privacy Policy.
Will using Tippla impact my credit score ranking?
Not at all! Tippla’s credit checks are classified as soft enquiries, meaning they will have no effect on your credit score whatsoever.

Why do credit checks lower your credit score? Read more here.

How do I issue a complaint?
If you are unhappy with Tippla's service, you can register a complaint with our friendly online customer support team. Our team is on hand to answer any queries you throw our way. Our hours are 9am - 5pm Monday - Friday, except on public holidays. Alternatively, if you don’t have time to stop and chat, you can email us at:

It’s important you provide as much detail related to your complaint as possible. Our support team will be with you as soon as possible.

Can I get a loan at Tippla?
Whilst Tippla doesn't provide loans itself, you can see loans tailored to your credit score and personal information via the Offers section on your dashboard.

Want to know more?

Knowledge is power. Take control of your credit score with Tippla’s credit school. All the information you need is just a click away.